The entire program in the ARD media library (with subtitles): https://1.ard.de/caren_miosga It has been clear for a few weeks now: Friedrich Merz, who once turned his back on politics, wants to become Chancellor. As opposition leader in the Bundestag, the CDU chairman is putting the federal government under constant pressure, demanding a much more restrictive migration policy and wants to use Agenda 2030 to get the still ailing German economy back on track. What role should Germany play in the world in the future? What would its Ukraine policy look like? And how does Merz want to realign migration policy and create economic recovery? Guest: Friedrich Merz, CDU Federal Chairman "Caren Miosga" discusses the most relevant topic of the week with decision-makers in politics, business, culture and society. The aim is to make different points of view and perspectives on a problem and the political processes behind it clear. The aim is to generate added value and knowledge for viewers and to create something worth talking about for the coming week. All current information and tagesschau24 in the live stream: https://www.tagesschau.de/ All programs, live streams, documentaries and reports also in the ARD media library: https://www.ardmediathek.de/tagesschau Photo: NDR/Thomas Ernst