Watch part 2 of this video here • PROFITABLE AGROFORESTRY - SITIO ELDORA... . Instagram of Sitio Eldorado / eldoradosintropia Ernst Gotsch's YouTube Channel / @agendagotschoficial Syntropic Agriculture Website https://agendagotsch.com/pt/what-is-s... Rebello Family Channel / @familiarebello Violas de Barros Soundtrack / @violasdebarros . What is Syntropic Agriculture or Successional Agroforestry? There is no quick answer. We have to be frank and, right away, warn you that here you will not find a ready-made recipe to copy and paste. Syntropic agriculture (also described as successional agroforestry) is not a technological package that can be purchased, nor a definitive design plan adjustable to all tastes. It is, above all, a change in perspective. It is a new proposal for reading ecosystems that paves the way for farmers to learn to seek answers using a different line of reasoning, very different from what we are used to. Full text here at the link below https://agendagotsch.com/pt/what-is-s....