Professor Saban in this interview speaks to us about Paul of Tarsus and his importance as an apostle of the Gentiles, in addition to speaking to us about Paul's Judaism, as well as Paul's non-separation from Judaism, his desire to win Gentiles since the kingdom was approaching, Paul's Jewish legitimacy, Paul's authentic letters, non-circumcision for Gentiles, circumcision of the heart for Jews, Paul's great love for Israel, among other topics ... I invite you to follow us on our social networks: ✅ Facebook: / indagando-en-la-biblia-106313585307592 ✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc5dhMyM6... ✅ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Indagandoelb?t=Wj... We are your Friend space, Inquiring into the Bible, a space where Faith and Spirituality is everyone's one of you; of us, the Biblical Disclosure without confessional and fundamentalist tints. #mariosaban #pablodetarso