Registration is now open for the MBA with Flávio Augusto on sales, marketing and value creation: https://r.clique.ly/8b8c8e63ed In today's episode, we welcome: João Adibe Marques - @joaoadibemarques (CEO of CIMED); João Appolinário - @joaoappolinario (Founder of POLISHOP and Shark Tank Brazil); Marcelo Facchini - @mafacchini (CEO of Facchini); Fátima Pissarra - @fatimapissarra (CEO of Mynd). Today's episode's theme: professional career; how to grow in your career; how to become a CEO; how to grow in your company; business growth, how to grow at work. More than a podcast, O Conselho is a roundtable that promises to bring stories and lessons from great professionals and executives in the market. We will cover topics such as sales, organizational culture, marketing, innovation, franchises, among others, with the aim of guiding and helping entrepreneurs to achieve better results in their businesses. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and activate notifications to be reminded of new episodes. PROFESSIONAL CAREER HOW TO BECOME A CEO? The Council 13 #FLAVIOAUGUSTO #THECOUNCIL #PROFESSIONALCAREER