0:00:00 Intro 0:00:39 Welcome and introduction by Prof. Dr. Christoph A. Schaltegger 0:10:56 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Jörn Leonhard 1:21:48 Audience discussion Not every peace agreement brings lasting peace, says Prof. Dr. Jörn Leonhard in his lecture at the invitation of the Institute for Swiss Economic Policy (IWP) at the University of Lucerne. Rather, the difficult work only begins after the guns have fallen silent, emphasizes the professor of modern and contemporary history at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau. Website: https://www.iwp.swiss/ Linkedin: / iwp-swiss #Wars #Peace #JörnLeonhard #History #Europe #WorldWars #Ukraine #Russia #PeaceTreaties #Ceasefire