The Mojokdotco tribal chief visited Prof. Dr. Abdul Mu'ti, M.Ed. in between his busy schedule in Jogja. He is a Muhammadiyah figure who is currently still serving as the General Secretary of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership. Mr. Abdul Mu'ti is known as an Islamic scholar and a humorous Muhammadiyah figure. Watch their conversation about his figure and how Muhammadiyah is now. Thank you for watching PutCast. Don't forget to click the Subscribe button and activate the bell so you don't miss notifications of the latest PutCast videos. Sorry, there is a slight audio error at the end of the video. VISIT linkin.bio/mojokdotco JOIN US~ Facebook: / mojokdotco Instagram: / mojokdotco Twitter: / mojokdotco Video Team Ali Ma'ruf, Januar Dhika, Muhamad Iqbal Ramadan, Muhammad Shiddiq Also read the article version about Muhammadiyah at https://mojok.co/ #Mojokdotco #Muhammadiyah #MuhammadiyahGarisLucu