With the support of INSEE Speakers: Antonin Bergeaud (Professor, HEC Paris) Gilbert Cette (Professor of Economics, NEOMA Business School) Anne Epaulard (Professor of Universities at Paris Dauphine-PSL University, and Scientific Advisor at France Stratégie) John Fernald (Professor of Economics at INSEAD Business School and Senior Research Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) Jean-Luc Tavernier (Managing Director, INSEE) Moderator: Marie Visot (Editor-in-Chief, Figaro Economie) Discover the Theme: Productivity gains are the fuel for growth and increased purchasing power. These gains have been reduced in advanced countries over the last few decades, and even more so in Europe since the health crisis. What explanations can be given for such a slowdown in productivity? Why has the deployment of new technologies (ICT, robots, etc.) not resulted in significant productivity gains at the macroeconomic level? What can we expect in the coming period and what could be the effects of AI, but also of climate policies? What would be the possible economic and social consequences of sustainably very low productivity gains?