Nowadays it is increasingly common for adult children to stay at their parents' house for longer, the problem is when there are problems of coexistence between parents and children, because we are no longer talking about children, but about adults and that makes things change enormously. Subscribe to my channel by clicking here https://goo.gl/IOgRNL to continue learning more about how to support your children and improve your life. Thank you for stopping by here, I must say that it is a pleasure that you see and appreciate my work, I really try hard to give you something of quality, that is why it would mean a lot if you subscribed and gave me a like. You can also check out my other videos and social networks, you are great, see you soon. ___________________________________________________________ For more videos like this, comics, images and more Follow us on: Official page: PsicologoFernando.com facebook / tiferetbienestar Instagram / fernando.psic.coach Twitter / ferppsicologo Tumblr / tiferetbienestarintegral