Koko-chan and Rip are police ????⭐️ Then they find Pingle, a big thief who is on the wanted list! The two rush to the police station to question him and get evidence ???? Pingle secretly plans to escape from prison... ???? The battle between police and thief begins!!! ❤️???? #Pikomins #Minecraft #Incident ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーPlease follow us on social media ???? 【Twitter】 ➡️ / pikomins3 【Instagram】 ➡️ / pikomins ー ... If you agree, please click the like button???? and subscribe to the channel☆ / @coconatchan_1 Latest video playlist • ❤Latest video❤️ ❤️Google+❤️ https://plus.google.com/about?hl=ja The sound effects used are listed in the channel description♪ Thank you❤