The story of “Princess Phongprapai”, the “first daughter” of King Rama V who was distant from her father and did not receive much expression of love until Princess Phong was “almost forgotten” by the people in the palace. Until the end of King Rama V’s reign, she showed kindness to “Princess Phong” in front of many people. It can be called a tear-jerking scene and the last expression of love that “she was not forgotten”. Princess Phong lived through 5 reigns and left some inheritance to her close servants because even though she was almost forgotten, she “did not forget those who shared happiness and sorrow together”. #PrincessPhong #FirstDaughter #WorldEvolution #StoriesAfterMidnight #KingRamaV #MomKraisorn #ChaoChomManda #ChaoPhrayaRamRakhop #Rattanakosin #History #Belief #ThairathStudio #ThairathStudio Contact for work LINE: @ThairathStudio (with @ in front) or https://lin.ee/VgGroFt Follow good content, click subscribe at / @thairathstudio