The cave is located outside the city of Siarangarang. At certain times, people passing by the cave see a very beautiful sparkling light emanating from inside the cave. It is said that the very beautiful sparkling light comes from the capil Putri Hijau which is still stored in the cave. The names Sangko Duo, Pembujakan, Padangpendapatan, and Siarangarang are still immortal until now. Padangpendapatan is a village located on the upstream side of Pembujakan and on the downstream side of Danau Raya Village. Danau Raya itself is located on the downstream side of Siarangarang City. Siarangarang is part of Tanahputih District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau. Another version says that in the Manggala Johnson area, in the same regency, it is also believed that Putri Hijau's stopover. Because many residents have been "lucky" to be able to "see" activities or activities like on a ship. Whether this story is true or not, it's up to you to judge. Source: bunga-fitriani.blogspot.co.id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Illustration Image Using AI Image Generation Leonardo.ai Voice Using Text to Speech by Eleventlabs.ai ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------