The Serbian ruler, Prince Mihailo Obrenović, a great theater lover, was not very lucky with plays that dealt with his life and death. Theater pieces from different periods ("Posthumous Glory to Prince Mihailo" by Đorđe Maletić, "Killing the Prince" by Živorad Lazić) were not very successful. The drama "Prince Mihailo" by Svetlana Velmar Janković, directed by Dimitrije Jovanović at the Yugoslav Drama Theater (premiered on March 5, 1996), had a similar fate. The drama deals with the last period of the life of Prince Mihailo Obrenović, who is torn between his ideals and very harmonious reality. There are also court intrigues, and also elements of a love story based on a triangle (Mihailo - Katarina - minister Blaznavac). Although the skill, work and effort of the director Dimitrije Jovanović were evident, as well as the actor's involvement, the play suffered above all from the text that failed to reach dramatic dimensions. The performance was filmed (on the BDP stage at the Red Cross, since the JDP building burned down in 1997) and the video originates from 1998. Label and copyright: Radio-television of Serbia Any copying of video and/or audio recordings and uploading to other channels is prohibited!