By liking, commenting or telling your friends about this video, you will greatly help the development of the channel and the release of future videos! Hemostasis is a complex biological system that ensures the preservation of the liquid state of the blood under normal conditions, and stops bleeding when the integrity of the vascular bed is compromised. According to modern concepts, two mechanisms are involved in stopping bleeding: 1) primary hemostasis (vascular-platelet), in which the walls of blood vessels, platelets and partly erythrocytes participate; 2) secondary hemostasis, when blood plasma proteins (plasma coagulation factors) are included in the blood clotting process. It should be noted that the division of hemostasis into cellular and plasma is conditional, since these two links in the blood coagulation system are closely related in the body. The video was produced by: Read by: I. Larinbi Edited by: I. Larinbi, O. Savitskaya VK group: https://vk.com/cormedicale Instagram: / cor_medicale Telegram: https://t.me/cormedicale The video does not claim to replace a textbook, lectures and articles. If you have any constructive comments, wishes, clarifications - feel free to write!