Location of the ferry, auctions, train station street https://maps.app.goo.gl/AeHo4RLwrRoz9... Video auctions and types of fresh sea fish from boats and the port on the auctions, many types of fish and live shrimp fish, and crab shrimp Location of the ferry, train station street auctions https://maps.app.goo.gl/AeHo4RLwrRoz9... Al Rehab Umm Omar Don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel to follow the road to the ferry, a practical photo description of the place and the auctions start • The road to the ferry and more than one description until the beginning... • Auction on the fourth day of Eid and the beginning of the auction about... Fish prices on Eid Al-Madiyah fish The best sardines are Mediterranean white sea fish Types of fish are dentex, grouper, garfish, and garrids Sea and Lake Edko fish of all kinds Barbon fish, officers, amberjack, and fry Musa or safolia fish Macaroni fish, chicken, and potatoes Inch fish or small shark Al-Mayas fish is the best fish, the seconds, Kaboria shrimp, Al-Ma'adiya, number one, because it comes fresh and alive, since the fishing boats in Al-Ma'adiya release them day after day. Tilapia and mullet fish in Al-Ma'adiya from Lake Edko or very clean farms. Edko ferry, Rashid line, Beheira Governorate, next to Alexandria, half an hour. Al-Ma'adiya auctions are of two types. Al-Ma'adiya port. Auctions on the train station street. Al-Ma'adiya model market in Al-Sharawat, and the kilo is located in the train station street in Al-Ma'adiya. Al-Ma'adiya market is literally the cheapest fish market. Al-Ma'adiya market, any table of fish, number one, for 5... Al-Ma'adiya model market. Al-Ma'adiya market, any table of fish, number one, for 5... Al-Ma'adiya fish. Al-Ma'adiya fish market. Al-Ma'adiya auctions today. Fish prices and auctions. Al-Ma'adiya train station street in Al-Ma'adiya. Wholesale prices for anyone from the first table. The sale is by the table. The weights of the fish in Al-Ma'adiya in the auctions differ from one auction to another according to the size of the table and the type of fish. The weights of the long ones range from 3 kilos to the smallest kilo. Al-Ma'adiya market. Fish, shrimp, and caporia. Buying and selling by the kilo, the purchases, and the scale is working daily. From 9 am to afternoon, Al-Maadiah Fish Market, other than auctions, the normal sales route without an auction, but its prices are very reasonable and it is considered the cheapest fish market. Al-Maadiah location, Al-Qatar Station Street auctions https://maps.app.goo.gl/AeHo4RLwrRoz9... The road to the ferry is a practical photo description of the place and the auctions start • The road to the ferry and more than one description until the beginning... Al-Maadiah location, Edko Al-Maadiah https://maps.app.goo.gl/bsgN12WANPBF2... • Auction on the fourth day of Eid and the beginning of the auction about... Fish prices on Eid Al-Maadiah fish The best sardines are Mediterranean white fish. Types of fish are dentex, shrimp, qazzaz, suez, and red, grouper, garfish, and locusts. Sea and lake grouper fish of all kinds, barbon fish, officers, amberjack, and fry, Musa or safolia fish, macaroni fish, chicken, and potatoes, inch fish or small shark, Mayas fish, the best fish, seconds, caporia, shrimp, Al-Maadiah number one because It comes fresh and alive because the fishing boats in the ferry release tilapia and mullet fish in the ferry from Lake Edko or very clean farms Edko ferry, Rashid line, Beheira Governorate, next to Alexandria, half an hour away. Ferry auctions are of two types: Ferry port, auctions on the train station street, the typical ferry market in Sharawat, and the kilo is located in the train station street in the ferry. The ferry market is literally the cheapest fish market. • The ferry market, any fish table, number one, for 5... The typical ferry market • The ferry market, any fish table, number one, for 5... Lake Edko - despite its small size - is considered one of the most productive lakes, due to its depth compared to other lakes. In terms of sanitation and industrial drainage, the lake is clean and one of the least polluted lakes due to the lack of waste dumped in it, which makes it one of the cleanest northern lakes. The state's income from this lake amounts to (100) million pounds. Details of today's video: auctions and prices of mullet and farmed tilapia, medium and super sizes, and the difference between mullet and tobar Prices of Al-Ma'adiya auctions, tilapia, mullet and sea fish, any quantity and anyone who enters the auctions, fish prices, today's fish prices, Al-Ma'adiya fish ring, Al-Ma'adiya port #Anfoushi_fish_ring #Al-Maks_Alexandria #Al-Ma'adiya #Umm_Omar #Alexandria_today #Auctions #Al-Ma'adiya #Al-Rehab_Umm_Omar #Today's_prices #Fish #Fish Location Al-Ma'adiya Auctions, Train Station Street https://maps.app.goo.gl/AeHo4RLwrRoz9... Alexandria