Hey guys, in the video I show 5 cheap cars in #portugal. Cars under R$2000. . This video was requested a lot, and I confess that it's not easy to find a good, cheap car that I can record here in Portugal. . Soon, I want to bring a line of good cars, at affordable prices, and, if you are interested in finding out more about this, and follow along on social media, so you don't miss anything. Instagram: @lucasbispo.pt Tik Tok: @lbispo632 If the video was interesting to you, and you want to see more content like this, I invite you to subscribe to this channel. . . . . #brasileirospelomundo #brasileirosemportugal #portugalemperspectiva #viveremportugal #moraremportugal #livinginportugal #brasil #lisboa #porto #figueiradafoz #carrosemportugal #carros #carrosbaratos