AUDIO PODCAST: CARE AND ATTENTION OF PRESSURE ULCERS (PU). CONCEPT. RISK FACTORS. LOCATION. ETIOLOGY. PREVENTION MEASURES, MOBILIZATION AND POSTURAL CHANGES. RISK ASSESSMENT (NORTON SCALE. MODIFIED NORTON SCALE. BRADEN SCALE). In this audio you can do another task while you study the topic on pressure ulcers. LEARN WITH TINA - ANOTHER WAY TO LEARN. The channel for health candidates (Caretakers, TCAE Nursing Auxiliary Care Technicians, Nursing Assistants, Radiodiagnostic Technicians, X-ray Technician, Rx, Laboratory Technicians, Nursing). Here I will show you study and motivation techniques, as well as my study method and approaches to the opposition. You can give it a LIKE, so I'll know that my way of explaining myself is understood. You can SUBSCRIBE and hit the BELL so you don't miss any new videos. I also upload audios on specific topics so you can listen to them whenever you want. If you want, you can comment on the videos and audios, so I can keep improving. In addition, you can contribute any ideas or suggestions for content for me to prepare on this channel. The ideal is for the community to grow and for us to support each other if necessary. I want to add that I appreciate you being on the other side, if the content I show is helpful to you, that will make what I do make sense. Follow me on social networks: FACEBOOK: OPOSICIONES TINA ANOTHER WAY TO LEARN INSTAGRAM: OPOSICIONES TINA Greetings and until the next audio.