Sepatnunggal Village is a village located in Sodonghilir District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. Here is some general information about this village: 1. Location and Accessibility: Sepatnunggal Village is located in a mountainous area with varying road access, from asphalt roads to dirt roads. Its location in the hills makes this village have beautiful natural scenery and cool air. 2. Population: The majority of the population of Sepatnunggal Village are farmers who rely on the agricultural sector as their main source of livelihood. In addition to farming, some residents also work as livestock breeders or small-scale entrepreneurs. 3. Economy: Agriculture is the main sector, with the main commodities being rice, vegetables, and several types of secondary crops. Livestock, especially cattle and goats, are also a source of income for village residents. 4. Education: This village has several basic education facilities such as elementary schools (SD). For secondary education, village children usually have to go to school in a larger sub-district or district. 5. Culture and Customs: Sepatnunggal Village has a unique cultural heritage, with various traditions and customs that are still maintained by the local community. Traditional events such as harvest ceremonies and religious celebrations are often held and are important moments for the villagers. 6. Infrastructure: Village infrastructure, such as roads and public facilities, continues to be developed to improve the quality of life of the community. There are efforts by the local government to improve road access and health facilities to support the welfare of villagers. Sepatnunggal Village is an example of a village in Indonesia that still holds fast to its traditional values while continuing to strive to improve the standard of living through infrastructure development and modernization. #villageatmosphere #landscape #village #rural #localwisdom #myvillagenatureadventure #rural