Before describing the video I'll immediately give you the two links to the video courses I prepared on the formazionediritto.it platform. The first is on school regulations for school competitions and TFA support and the link is this: https://formazionediritto.it/corsi/vi... The other is on administrative law for competitions in public administration: https://formazionediritto.it/corsi/di... Go and take a look. In this video we see 4 mistakes to avoid if we are preparing for a public competition, a competition for professional qualification, an exam or more generally a test! When preparing and studying for a competition or an exam it is good to have the right mindset to approach the study. Whether you are preparing for the school competition or for the TFA support, or for a competition at the Public Administration such as the competition in the South or the one in Rome Capital or even the competition for administrative profiles such as the one in Emilia Romagna or Liguria or even if you are preparing for a competition for professional qualification such as the one to become a Lawyer, or other these, in my opinion, are the 4 mistakes to avoid! There are only 4, let me know if you have any others in mind! Greetings from Joe Pierantozzi