Collaborator🌟 Hikari Hira @Hikari_Hira https://x.com/Hikari_Hira ↓LINE stamps on sale nowhttps://store.line.me/stickershop/pro... How to join the Hebiyoi Happiness Cult↓ / @tier_hebiyoi 👑Promises between Tia and Baby Hebiyoi💍 1. Don't mention other people's names❣ 2. Don't react to them❣ 3. Only look at Tia❣ Thank you as always for Twitter, channel subscriptions, notifications, and likes💙 Let's be lots of happiness together======== Streaming tags #YoiDoreDokoEtag #HebiyoEfanmark 👑💍 Fan name Baby Hebiyoi======== ☆Hebiyoi Tia Twitter☆ / tier_hebiyoi ☆Official website☆ https://www.774.ai/ ☆Official merchandise sales page☆ https://774inc.spwn.jp/events/SugarLy... ☆Fan letter☆ https://www.774.ai/about-fanletter ========