03/11/2021 - Science and Innovation Week 2021. Dialogue between Marcos García Diez (Department of Prehistory, UCM) and Manuel Pimentel Siles (editor and writer) From a scientific-academic point of view, why is it important to study prehistoric art and what topics may be relevant and incidental in our society (for example, because they help us understand what symbols are and how we use them; because it is a way of tracking areas such as inter and multiculturalism, and even globalization, as well as the links between these and the feelings generated in the field of culture and their implications in territoriality; because they make us understand elements linked to communication and the persistence of information; etc.) In its social projection, how prehistoric art is made to participate, through talks, exhibitions, etc. in our society and how it reaches or not the citizens. The impact on tourism, in the rural area, etc. Finally, the role of Paleolithic art in Cultural Heritage will be addressed and how this (and Spanish, or even peninsular) art is representative of understanding Spain as a potential source of rock art heritage. Can it be an element of the Spanish Brand or whatever you want to call it?