WELCOME TO TRANSFORMING MINDS @julianofraga Thank you for joining us in this online Worship. Watch until the end, God has a word for your heart Help this Work: Offer via Link https://pag.ae/7VUy-zJsL Igreja AD Castelo Forte CNPJ: 22.738.921/0001-99 Banco - Itau - Ag: 0568 - Cc: 14966-0 Check out our Services below: SUN 7:00pm to 9:30pm Family Service WED 7:30pm to 9:30pm Prophetic Service FRI 7:30pm to 9:30pm Teaching Service 1st SAT 7:30pm Holy Supper 2nd SAT 7:30pm Youth Service #Church #igrejaadcasteloforte #worship #church #live #onlineservice #church #igrejaadcf #preaching #praise #worship #word #embudasartes #naigreja #evangelicalchurch #prayer #adcf #liveworship #live #online #Jesus #God #conference