The concept of an advanced pre-Egyptian civilization that existed before the well-documented dynastic periods of ancient Egypt is supported by the advanced technological features of sites such as the Osireion, Zawyet el Aryan, the Serapeum of Saqqara, and many others. This lost civilization may have had a deep understanding of astronomy, engineering, and mathematics far beyond what was typical of the time. Evidence includes the alignment of the pyramids of Giza with the stars of Orion's belt, suggesting highly developed astronomical knowledge, and the remarkable precision in the construction of these pyramids, suggesting advanced architectural and engineering techniques. In addition, there is discussion of the possible use of advanced tools and methods for cutting and transporting massive blocks of stone, which would require a level of technology not commonly attributed to ancient Egyptians of the known dynastic periods. Support us in our mission to create insightful videos backed by thorough research by supporting us on Patreon or PayPal: /universeinsideyou https://paypal.com/donate/?hosted_but... Your support helps us dive even deeper into important topics and enables us to produce engaging content that informs and inspires. With your contribution, you are not only supporting a project, you are helping to ensure that a wealth of knowledge can be shared. Support us in our quest to bring meaningful videos to life. Every contribution counts; let's make a difference together Discover a world of creativity in our handmade art and product boutique: https://teespring.com/stores/universe... Join us on: Instagram: /universe.inside.you