“On the banks of Lago de Fronteiras, transformed lives, shipwrecked dreams” (11'30”) How much does “development” cost to the lives of communities? Certainly much more than the coffers of those who pay for this “development”. Follow and feel the eyes and voices of men, women and children who have and will have their lives impacted by the construction of Lago de Fronteiras. This short film is the final work of the Training Course in Audiovisual and Depatriarchal, Decolonial and Anticapitalist Policies, held from March to October 2023 at Assentamento Palmares (Crateús-CE), an action that is part of the Cacto Project – equity and diversity, carried out by Fábrica de Imagens – educational actions in citizenship and gender and by Ponto de Cultura Outros Olhares, produced by Coletivo Imaginário Comum and in partnership with Rede Cearense Cultura Viva de Gênero e Sexualidades, Movimento Sem Terra/CE and Centro de Formação, Capacitação e Pesquisa Frei Humberto. - - The aforementioned project was supported by the Secretariat of Culture of the State of Ceará (Secult-CE), through the XIV Cinema and Video Notice.