Prayer to the Black Shepherd Author: Leonardo Quadros Declamation: Fabrício Vasconcellos Creole Guitar: Lúcio Yanel Prayer to the Black Shepherd I bring you a candle stub And a piece of tobacco And I thank you, little black boy For having shown me the way Thank you for having listened to the prayer of this countryman Who believes in your existence On our pampas soil You are the angel of the hills Our little black saint For you are the shepherd of the herd Of those who follow your path I pray this prayer today As the most sacred ritual And I leave in the open What I came to offer you So that you can come and get On the back of the friendly fleet Because for me you are alive and wandering around That is why today I bring This gift for you #delhemúsicagauchada #leonardoquadros @leonardoquadrosoficial