PRAYER TO ASK FOR 1 BILLION, ONLY FOR 1 PURPOSE - KH ABDUL GHOFUR #khabdulghofur #dhikr to attract sustenance #dhikr to open sustenance #dhikr to open the door to sustenance #dhikr to calm the heart and mind #dhikr to calm the mind makes things easier #dhikr to calm the heart and mind of those who are stressed and anxious #morning dhikr #evening dhikr #night dhikr #morning and evening dhikr #morning and evening dhikr #prayers for pregnant women #prayers for pregnant women #prayers to accompany sleep #prayers to cool the soul #prayers to attract sustenance #prayers to open sustenance #prayers to jibril to dancers to sustenance #prayers to open the door to sustenance #prayers to calm the heart and mind #prayers to calm the heart and mind #prayers to calm the heart and soul #sholawatjibrilpenarikrezekimostpowerfulfromalldirections #sholawatjibrilpenarikrezekimostpowerfulfromalldirections #doapenarikrezeki #doapelaristrade #prayeropeningointurezeki #doapelaristrademostpowerful #doapenarikbelidansalestrade #diapenarikrezekipalingampuhandmustajab #verseseatsexorcisingdanjin