Pray now the Crown of Our Lady's Tears with Professor Raphael Tonon! In this video, pray that, through Our Lady's tears, the Lord may grant you the graces you so need in your life. O Most Sorrowful Virgin, Your Tears have brought down the infernal empire! Amen! ???????? Do you have any questions regarding your health? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????. ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????: • Podcast Our Lady of Tears ... Our Lady of Tears ... Our Lady of Tears ... ????????????????????????????: • The messages of Our Lady of Tears... ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????: • Our Lady of Tears Lens Ca... ???????? ????????????????????????????????-???????? ???? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? https://www.youtube.com/compantokrato... BUY NOW the image and rosary of Our Lady of Tears by clicking on the link below or by contacting us via WhatsApp (19) 99399-6742 https://wa.me/message/BZKX5WIQAGEFO1 The Catholic Community Pantokrator’s mission is to respond faithfully to God’s Powerful, Jealous and Devouring Love for us. Through in-person activities and media, such as YouTube, we seek to be tools in God’s hands so that He can manifest this Love that never abandons us. And so, may we all respond faithfully! HELP US EVANGELIZE! ❤️ Bank: 290 PagSeguro Internet SA Branch: 0001 Account number: 09938572-6 CNPJ: 01.461.665/0001-65 PIX (19) 99399-5316 ???????? ????????????????????????????????-???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????? https://www.youtube.com/compantokrato... Visit our website: https://pantokrator.org.br/ INSTAGRAM: / compantokrator TELEGRAM: https://t.me/compantokrator_oficial FACEBOOK: / compantokrator #CrownOfTears #OurLadyOfTears #RaphaelTonon #Devotion #OurLady #RosaryOfTears #Pantokrator