"Rokumachi Circular No. 20" The second prank project! This time, Aramaki has been added to the team, and they've made use of the lessons they learned from the last time to carry out the prank! Will they be able to successfully trick Tanaka?! [Members] Aramaki Yoshihiko (Twitter: / ara_mackey) Wada Masanari (Twitter: / masanari6) Sato Ryuji (Twitter: / ryuji7117) Umezu Mizuki (Twitter: / mizukiumetsu) Hashimoto Shohei (Twitter: / hashimotoshohey) Tanaka Ryosei (Twitter: / ryousei_tanaka) ■■■■■■■ Check out the six in action below!! ■■■■■■■ Nippon Television [Rokunin Yoreba Neighborhood Association] ★Official website: https://www.ntv.co.jp/rokumachi/ ★Official Twitter: /rokumachi_ntv #Rokunin Yoreba Neighborhood Association #Rokumachi #Prank