PRAIA DO FUTURO HAS THE MOST FAMOUS TENTS STRUCTURE IN BRAZIL. THERE ARE MANY OPTIONS TO ENJOY WITH AND WITHOUT CHILDREN, WITH AND WITHOUT LUXURY. IN THIS VIDEO YOU WILL SPEND THE DAY WITH US WHO FOCUS ON NATURE AND SEA BATHING ????! Chosen stall: BARRACA DO PIPOCA (all the stalls at Praia do Futuro are on the same avenue, Av. Zezé Diogo. Just type the name of the stall into Waze or Uber. You can't go wrong. Another tip is that some of them are open in the late afternoon and also at night, since they offer comedy shows, live music with lots of forró and crab for you to enjoy. Subscribe to the channel to receive many tips like this.  #travel #beach #beachofthefuture #fortaleza #Ceará #Brazil #CoupleTrip #FamilyTrip #Ceará #BeautifulBeaches ✨ NICE TO MEET YOU, I'm Alana Araújo, journalist, ex-Globo (more than 10 years) and CNN. I left TV and now I live my projects, which are big dreams. One of them is to share my travels and help you travel too. My video partner is my husband, Rai Júnior, economist and Very talented commentator and videographer! Hahaha Look at this incredible combination: Information + Economy! Here you will find tips on prices, best locations, how and where to stay... everything to make your trip perfect!! We share everything so you can have incredible trips like the ones we take as a couple, with our daughter Duda or with the whole family!! DREAMING IS NECESSARY AND ACHIEVING IS POSSIBLE. Subscribe to the channel and learn more with us!