PASTOR OSIEL GOMES DA SILVA President of the Evangelical Church of the Assembly of God in Tirirical - São Luís - Maranhão. Writer for the Publishing House of the Assemblies of God - CPAD. Commentator for the Magazines of the Publishing House of the Assemblies of God - CPAD. Third President of the State Convention of the Assemblies of God in Maranhão - CEADEMA. Director of the Doksa Institute. PhD in Social Sciences - Vale do Rio dos Sinos University - UNISINOS (RS, 2022), PhD in Theology - Faculty of Higher Education in Theology - EST (RS, 2022), Master in Theology - Faculty of Higher Education in Theology - EST (RS, 2019), Postgraduate in Psychoanalysis - Higher Institute of Education and Theology - ISET (SP, 2012), Bachelor in Pedagogy - Albert Einstein College - FALBE (DF, 2011), Bachelor in Theology - South American Theological College - FTSA (PR, 2009), Bachelor in Law - American Word University - AWU (USA, 2007), Higher Education Teaching - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (RJ, 2003), Bachelor in Philosophy - State University of Ceará - UECE (CE, 2000). Singer, Composer and Musician. Professor of Hebrew, Greek and Latin. He has written 20 books in the areas of Theology, Biblical, Family and Behavior. ATTENTION!! **This video has reserved rights. Please DO NOT POST IT ON ANOTHER CHANNEL. Avoid having your channel reported for violating Copyright guidelines. To share, use the link in this post. According to Law 9.610/98, total or partial reproduction or commercial dissemination is prohibited without the prior and express authorization of the author (article 29). ® All rights reserved. Instagram: @prosielgomes