Welcome to People's Baptist Church Online Our Vision is to welcome people to teach them how to live as Disciples of Jesus. Join us online as we present our worship to the One who is worthy. Sunday: In-person and online service at 8am - 10:15am -5pm - 7:15pm Tuesday: 8pm Healing and deliverance service Wednesday: 2pm Women's service Saturday: 4pm teenagers and 7pm young people Monthly women's service 7:30pm (First Monday of the month) Monthly men's service 8pm Monthly couples meeting 8pm (Third Monday of the month) Offerings: Igreja Batista do Povo CNPJ: 47.468.590/0001-45 Bradesco - Agency: 0108 - C/C.: 18.835-2 Itaú - Agency: 7681 - C/C.: 05668-0 Pix: 47.468.590/0001-45 or [email protected] Or through our app or website: https://batistadopovo.org.br/doacoes Have you given your heart to Christ or reconciled with Him at this time? We want to help you with the next steps! Contact us via WhatsApp: 11- 97292-9630 Do you want to be part of one of our cells? Contact our secretary via email [email protected] or via WhatsApp 11 97292-9630 Subscribe to our channel: / batistad. . Instagram: / batistadopo. . #SimplesmenteIgreja #EuSouParteDestePovo #ServirMais