FOLLOW PASTOR ELIEL SILVA ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: ????@pastorelielsilva / pastorelielsilva Facebook: ???? Eliel Silva / agendaelielsilva ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATCH OTHER MESSAGES The things that must happen ???? • Pr. Eliel Silva The Things that must happen... Why was Daniel not thrown into the furnace? ???? • Pr Eliel Silva Why was Daniel not... Where is the Lamb? ???? • Pr. Eliel Silva The Test of Abraham ... Jesus, The name above every name ???? • Pr. Eliel Silva Jesus, The Name Abo... Why did Jesus walk on the water? ???? • Pr. Eliel Silva Peter did not sink! ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTS FOR SCHEDULES Cell phone: (13) 981113530 Whatsapp: (13) 981113530 #PrElielSilva #Series #ChristcentricMessages