Meditation power of self-healing of the body and mind to the sound of the shamanic drum. ❗️New in my programs ????: find all the updated links right here ???? ???? Do you know your Soul Profile™? Take the free test to (re)connect with the deep values of your soul: https://bit.ly/soul-profile ???? Fabien Malgrand ⎮ Aaram • Neo-Shaman • Holistic health Programs and support to reveal your potential and collaborate with the living 25 years of research and training to heal (Unisun method) ???? To find out more: ➔ NEO SHAMAN TRAINING: https://bit.ly/neo-chaman ➔ MY WEBSITE: https://bit.ly/Fmcom ♡ Find me on: ➔ INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/insta-fabien ➔ FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/FBFabien