During the period of power outages and difficult weather conditions from November 22 to December 10, 2024, 16 road accidents with victims occurred in the territory served by the patrol police of the Zhytomyr region. 22 people were injured and 3 died. For statistics on road accidents with victims in the Zhytomyr region, their causes, consequences and other news of the week, see the final issue of the program "Zhytomyr Week". ___________________ Subscribe and click 🔔 to receive notifications about new videos and broadcasts Read news here: https://suspilne.media/regions/zhytom... We are on Telegram: https://t.me/suspilnezhytomyr We are on Facebook: / suspilne.zhytomyr We are on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suspilne.zh... Join the community on Viber: https://bit.ly/2ZoOX8F Audience interaction policy on Suspilne's digital platforms: https://bit.ly/3dizhMn ---------------- Branch website: https://zt.suspilne.media/ Read everything about Suspilne here: https://corp.suspilne.media/ #suspilnezhytomyr #SuspilneZhytomyr