The second video series, realized with the support of Güney Çelik and narrated by @sedat.bayrak, examines the subject of “How should a structure be handled by the designer?” The subjects covered in the video include the relationships between beams and ceiling equipment, the importance of slender beams, the financial gains of saving beam height, the façade permeability provided by slender beams with the limitations coming from the legislation, and the solution conveniences provided by the post-tensioning system at these very points. Post-tensioning, which is the method of tensioning high-strength steel ropes used to make concrete resistant to tensile forces after the concrete is cast, is used in architectural projects as well as engineering structures due to its ability to reduce the total building weight, lighten the foundation and earthquake load, make long cantilevers, and create high-ceilinged, wide, aesthetic spaces with more slender sections. @sedat.bayrak #posttensioning #StrukturChanges