This film begins a series of three conversations with Professor Dr. Hab. Tomasz Piechota. If you like this material, share it with your friends, leave a comment and subscribe to our channel (if you haven't already :). For those interested, I am sharing the remaining two films, the official premiere of which will take place in the following days (you can see them now by clicking on the links in the suspended comment) Post-harvest cultivation with Professor Piechota. What to do after harvesting cereals, rapeseed? e-pole Shortcuts: 00:00 In this episode 02:10 What to remember during harvest? 04:10 Post-harvest cultivation tactics after barley (before rapeseed) 09:23 Post-harvest cultivation tactics before cereals 12:15 What mistakes should you avoid during summer plowing? 14:25 Tormenting volunteers and other questions from viewers #harvest #agriculture #cereals #advertising cooperation * * * You can also find us: website: www.e-pole.pl FB: / serwisepole Group on FB: E-pole, professionally about plant cultivation and protection: / 47313. .