-In this video we give some instructions on how to sit, which chair to choose, how to put on the accordion and how to lift the accordion from the ground. (Drawing: Amado and Montxo López de Ipiña) **SEE COMMENTS BELOW** Thanks for the contributions! **SEE COMMENTS BELOW** Thanks for the contributions! 00:00 Intro. 00:10 La SILLA. Aulkia. The chair. 05:13 El ACORDEÓN. Akordeoia. The accordion. 08:24 Las CORREAS. Uhalak. The straps. 11:15 APPENDIX*: How to lift a weight. Eranskina: Pisu bat nola jaso. Appendix: How to lift a weight. (*See comments below. Begiratu iruzkinak behean. See comments below). 16:40 REVIEW. Berrikustea. Review ----------- COMMENTS / IRUZKINAK / COMMENT 1) -Younger students can skip this appendix. Normally, it is the teacher or the parents who will put them the accordion. (Thank you, CHARO) 2) -For young students, we do not recommend swivel chairs either, a characteristic shared by many height-adjustable chairs. It is preferable that the base where we sit is stable. Of course, a swivel chair can be very interesting so as not to have to turn the body with the accordion on top (the lumbar vertebrae are not prepared for wide turns). --For young students, we do not recommend swivel chairs either, a feature shared by many of the height-adjustable chairs. It is preferable that the base where we sit is stable. Anyway, a swivel chair can be very interesting to avoid turning the body with the accordion on (lumbar vertebrae are not designed for large turns). (Thanks, Arty) 3) -One way to avoid having to bend down to pick up or put down the accordion is to keep it in a safe place (shelf, closet ...) at approximate height of our waist. (Thanks, Alfredo) 4) -It is very important that students gradually become aware of the position and tension of each part of their body, of its influence on the execution of any technique (in turn aimed at a musical objective). -It is very important that the student progressively manages to be aware of the position and tension of every part of their body, their influence on the performance of any technique (at the same time aimed at a musical objective) 5) Levant peso correcto / How to lift weights correctly: • Peligros para la espalda al agacharte... • Como levantar peso correcto y pr... https://www.youtube.com/live/nwlsBE2m... 6) -When we speak of “relaxed shoulders”, it must always be understood as “shoulders without extra tension, without parasitic tension”. 7) -We can explain the spine in a simple way: it is a row of small bones, the vertebrae, separated by the intervertebral discs, a kind of springs. The spine allows us to keep our body upright. It also protects our spinal cord, which is a bundle of nerves that transmits information between the brain and the rest of the body. As it is made up of all that series of bones aligned and separated by the discs, it allows us to turn, bend ... The fact that it is not a straight column but rather has its curves allows it to better support the weight of the body or the forces that it has to carry out. -We can explain the spinal column in a simple way: it is a row of small bones, the vertebrae, separated by the intervertebral discs, a kind of springs. The spine allows us to keep our body upright. It also protects our spinal cord, which is a bundle of nerves that transmits information between the brain and the rest of the body. As it is made up of all that series of bones aligned and separated by the discs, it allows us to turn, bend ... The fact that it is not a straight column but rather has its curves allows it to better support the weight of the body or the forces that it has to carry out. ----------- Extracted from: / Honetatik aterata: / Extracted from: *ACORDEÓN DIVERTIDO*, written and self-published by Ricardo Llanos. Method for free bass chromatic accordion (bassetti). (EUSKARAZ ere bai) (IN ENGLISH too). • ACCORDEÓN DIVERTIDO (accordion method /... *PUN TXAN TXAN*, written and self-published by Ricardo Llanos. Method for standard bass chromatic accordion. (EUSKARAZ ere bai). (IN ENGLISH too) • PUN TXAN TXAN (accordion method / acco... www.acordeondivertido.com [email protected]