#emkolbaski #homemadesausage #homemadesausagerecipe #pavelapkin In the online store emkolbaski.ru you can buy: The book NARKOMPISHCHEPROM USSR, Sausages and smoked meats, 1938 https://www.emkolbaski.ru/kniga-i-quo... Brine for injection https://www.emkolbaski.ru/na-1kg-fars... Dried garlic https://www.emkolbaski.ru/chesnok-dro... Red pepper https://www.emkolbaski.ru/perets-kras... Black pepper https://www.emkolbaski.ru/perets-cher... Crushed black pepper Prime https://www.emkolbaski.ru/perets-cher... Mix Five peppers https://www.emkolbaski.ru/smes-5-pert... ________________ Pork ham according to the recipe from the 1938 collection. and a modern recipe Recipe from 1938 from the collection of the People's Commissariat of Food Industry: Pork ham with 1 cm of fat - 1 kg The collection says this: the hams are rubbed with crushed garlic and pepper, generously sprinkled with salt on the surface and laid skin-side up and fried until the product is completely baked and a golden crust forms on the surface. Pavel interpreted it this way: Curing mixture 2 parts Table salt – 2 teaspoons per 1 kg of meat 1 part dried garlic – 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of meat (2-3 cloves if fresh garlic) 1 part red pepper – 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of meat For reference, we will cite the recipe of GOST 17482 from the technologist's handbook (ed. I.A. Rogov, A.G. Zabashta, 1993): Hip part without bones and cartilage with a fat thickness of no more than 2 cm. The raw material is rubbed with the mixture in the amount of 2.75% of the meat weight. Let's calculate, for 1 kg of meat - 27.5 g of curing mixture. Ingredients of the mixture: Table salt 91% - 25 g Dried garlic 3.5% - 1 g Red pepper 5.5% - 1.5 g Pavel's interpretation of the NARKOMPISHCHEPROM collection turned out to be much spicier. Agapkin's recipe for boiled pork: Pork ham with 1 cm of fat - 1 kg The curing mixture that Pavel injected into the meat was prepared at the rate of = 15 g of the Brine for Injection preparation (sold at emkolbaski.ru) for every 100 ml of water. Each 15 g sachet, designed for 1 kg of meat, already contains 9 g of Nitrite salt. In the case of a baked product, this amount of salt will be sufficient; there is no need to add additional table salt to the curing mixture. It is enough to add 200-300 ml of the prepared brine to raw materials weighing 1 kg. Prepare the curing mixture for injection based on this calculation. Sprinkle garlic and pepper on top to taste. Heat treatment. Bake the pork at 140 degrees until done, up to 69…72 degrees inside the product. _________________ Winter by Roa / roa_music1031 Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3YUCsOp Music promoted by Audio Library