Reposaari is a district of Pori, located on the island of the same name, 3 km long and half a km wide. I walked on the pier and in the garden of Willa Junnela, I visited the trenches and bunkers of the Reposaari fortress, I wandered on the beach and in the quiet city streets. English subtitles. Reposaari is a district of Pori, which is located on the island of the same name, 3 km long and half a km wide. I walked on the pier and in the garden of Willa Junnela, I visited the trenches and bunkers of the Reposaari fortress, I wandered on the beach and in the quiet city streets. Subtitles in Finnish. https://www.visitpori.fi/en/?service-... https://www.visityeteri.fi/en/palvelu...