Want to get a sticker pack in VK? Write to the community https://vk.com/barinthecityshow the phrase "I want stickers" and answer the bot's questions. Spoiler: you need to watch the episode carefully ;) This day has come! We couldn't imagine more ideal guests! So, today on the show: Danila Poperechny - a stand-up comedian who put together "Ice", the author of the series "Nothing Funny", and recently a close friend of Yegor Creed. Ilya Shabelnikov - aka Satyr, the author of brilliant parodies of Dud, Click Clack, StopHam, MORGENSHTERN and many others. Ruslan Gabidullin - it was his voice that spoke "The Walking Dead", the voice of the most popular voice acting from the studio "Kubik v Kube". #irinachesnokova #barinthebigcity #live_like_a_captain #drinkandtalkshow Follow us on Instagram and VKontakte: / barinthecityshow https://vk.com/barinthecityshow Follow Ira: / irinushshshka https://vk.com/irinushshshka Our guests: Danila Poperechny / @spoontamer Ruslan Gabidullin / dravasek Ilya Shabelnikov / @satyrshow Captain's Quest / live.like.the.captain Search for cheap flights on Aviasales https://i.avs.io/aks791 Location: Restaurant and bar "Mumiy Troll Music Bar" Tverskaya, 7 / mtbarmoscow