In this lesson on polygons, we will explain the definition and nomenclature of these geometric figures, as well as the differences between regular and irregular, convex and non-convex (concave) polygons. In addition, we will teach you how to calculate the sum of the internal angles of a polygon, as well as the number of diagonals of a convex polygon. Don't miss it! Want to know more about the subject? Brasil Escola Polygons - http://brasilescola.com/matematica/po... What is a polygon? - http://brasilescola.com/o-que-e/matem... Classification of Polygons - http://brasilescola.com/matematica/cl... Similarity of Polygons - http://brasilescola.com/matematica/se... What are the diagonals of polygons? - http://brasilescola.com/o-que-e/matem... World Education Polygons - http://mundoeducacao.com/matematica/p... Knowing the Elements of a Polygon - http://mundoeducacao.com/matematica/c... Diagonals of a polygon - http://mundoeducacao.com/matematica/d... Similar polygons - http://mundoeducacao.com/matematica/p... Online Students Polygons - http://alunosonline.com.br/matematica... Classification of Polygons - http://alunosonline.com.br/matematica... Convex polygons - htts://alunosonline.com.br/matematica/poligonos-convexos.html Similar polygons - htts://alunosonline.com.br/matematica/poligonos-semelhantes.html School Kids Polygons - Similar polygons - htts://escolakids.com/matematica/poligonos-semelhantes.htm Diagonals of a polygon - http://escolakids.com/matematica/diag... Follow us: Brasil Escola: http://brasilescola.com/ Facebook: / brasilescola Instagram: / brasilescolaoficial #Polígonos #BrasilEscola #Matemática