#polskawieś #education #ptakipolski #śpiewptaków #ptaki Prepared, commentary: Tomasz Cofta Read by: Aleksandra Lis SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/3IzAXi8 The material comes from the educational CD "Guess what bird it is? Recognizing bird voices with a guide" (published by Soliton, 2022). Media patronage over the project was assumed by: Ptaki Polski magazine, Ornithological Station of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Society for the Protection of Birds. List of chapters: 1. The warbler, the grasshopper and the stream warbler 2. Thrushes and the nightingale (the song thrush, the blackbird, the mistle thrush, the fieldfare, the grey nightingale) 3. Woodpeckers (great, black, green, lesser spotted woodpecker) 4. Pigeons (the collared dove, the wood martin, the stock dove) and the tawny owl 5. Swallows (the barn owl, the house martin, the sand martin) and the swift 6. The redstart and the wagtail 7. The raven, the crow, the rook and the jackdaw 8. The common thrush, the blackcap and the barred warbler 9. Tits (the great tit, the blue tit, the pine tit, the blackcap) 10. The jay 11. The reed warbler and the reed warbler 12. The house sparrow and the tree sparrow 13. The chaffinch, the yellowhammer BUY THE CD: https://soliton.edubawi.pl/index.php?... Material also available on streaming services (Spotify, Tidal and others): The most common woodpeckers in Poland are: great, black, green and lesser spotted. Great spotted woodpeckers often sing single or in a series: They also use other voices. For example, defending territory - a long shrill series of cries. Grown-up chicks in a hollow are very noisy, they can be heard from afar. The drum is information that this territory is occupied. Birds of both sexes drum. The voices of the black woodpecker are sonorous and very loud. In an old forest they can sound mysterious and disturbing. Green woodpeckers often sing differently sounding, long, falling at the end, series of whistles. They also use the same syllable combined in different ways and produced with different energy. They drum very rarely. The great spotted woodpecker calls infrequently and quietly, it is easier to hear the drumming than the voices. The drum of the black woodpecker is the longest and slowest, and can also be very loud (sometimes it can be heard from a distance of three kilometers). The drumming of the great spotted woodpecker is a bit faster and distinctly short, often speeding up towards the end. The great spotted woodpecker drums the fastest, but usually longer than the great spotted woodpecker, and the sound is much quieter, because the bird chooses thinner trunks and branches as an instrument.