We invite you to support our activities through the following websites: Patronite.pl/historiabezkitu.pl or Buycoffee.to/historiabezkitu What were we dealing with in the autumn of 1939, when the Third Reich attacked Poland, with a defensive war, the September campaign, or maybe a Polish campaign? After two weeks of fighting, it was already known that it would end in a defeat for the Poles. The Polish Army, smaller in numbers than the German forces, was not prepared to wage war in a modern way. As it turned out, communication and coordination of various units in the air and on the ground played a key role. Polish soldiers had modern weapons in their inventory, but there was little of it. During the PRL period, many myths arose around the September battles. Some of them are still alive and distort our knowledge, e.g. the participation of the Polish cavalry in the fighting or the defense of Wizna. We invite you to listen to and watch the interview with Dr. Jan Szkudliński – military historian, translator, employee of the Gdańsk Museum. #historiabezkitu Also visit our website: https://historiabezkitu.pl podcast services: Spotify: Historia BEZ KITU Apple Podcats: Historia BEZ KITU and our social media: Facebook / historia-bez-kitu-103793702471670 Instagram / historiabezkitu