LEAVE YOUR LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Videos used with permission from the original creators [VIDEO CREDITS] 0:00 CHANNEL INTRO 00:15 DICARROÇA VLOGS • Monster Frame + no documents Mot... 02:44 LIPEH021 / lipeh021 03:40 MATEUS DA MINI HORNET • ????THE ADVANTAGE OF BEING A RESERVE MILITARY... 04:28 GU FZ6 • EX POLICE OFFICER TAKING A FRAMED * GAVE RU... 07:37 DOG MAL VLOGS • I GOT A FRAMED BY THE POLICE! 08:55 NATHAN RJ • TAKING A FRAMED BY THE POLICE #2 QUESTION... 12:40 SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE YOUR LIKE TMJ WE DO NOT INCENTIVATE THE ACTIONS OF THESE VIDEOS If you have any video from your channel without the right permission, we can remove or add the channel link in our description. Tell us in the comments or by our email: [email protected] If you have any video from your channel without the right permission, we can remove or add the channel link in our description. Tell us the comments or our email: [email protected] ------------Don't forget to follow us on social media: Instagram @AsMeninasDaXJ6 https://instagram.com/asmeninasdaxj6?... Second Channel As Meninas da XJ6 - REACT / @sportcar2.0 Tmj Always Moto Family Hugs to all and may God be with you! #PoliciaisLevandoEnquadro #PoliciaisSendoAbordados