Rio Grande do Sul police arrested the daughter-in-law of the woman who prepared the cake and killed three people days before Christmas. Deise Moura dos Anjos is the main suspect in the triple homicide. According to the investigation, the victims ate a cake made with flour contaminated with arsenic. At Deise's house, 89 samples were collected and one of them confirmed the contamination. Our WhatsApp: https://cidadealerta.r7.com/whatsapp Subscribe to the Cidade Alerta channel: http://r7.com/0Fhv Watch the full version on PlayPlus: https://www.playplus.com Facebook: /cidadealertarecord Instagram: /cidadealerta Twitter: /cidadealerta Official website: https://recordtv.r7.com/cidade-alerta #CidadeAlerta #LuizBacci