Subscribe here → https://bit.ly/2V0qsN9 Members-only Discord: / @sifu-pokepoke We will inform you of the latest information on "Pokepoke". Strategy information for Pokepoke/Pokeka Pocket on "Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket". 00:00 Opening 00:14 Securing pack hourglass in emblem event 00:47 Will there be no more pack opening points? Recommended ways to use them02:13 How to get 210 shop tickets and how to get them03:10 Saving pack hourglasses (new pack perk?)03:58 Completing premium missions and recommended times to join04:40 Getting the challenge hourglass05:17 Getting the recovery hourglass05:35 Three pieces of information to know before the new packQuote: [Official] "Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket" concept video[Official] "PokéPoké" theme expansion pack "Island of Phantoms" #PokéPoké #Pokémon #PokémonCard [The ending is an original song] Composed by Wakabayashi Takatsugu (/ cocoa2448) (composed the opening theme "STAND PROUD" for the anime "JoJo Part 3" and others)Rowlet illustration collaboration (new illustration): Amon (/ amonilust)