secondary channel: / laupoklaupocute hello everyone today bug Pokémon diamond pearl 4g shiny sparkling ok really what do you want me to write now I just put tags everything is explained in the title sorry ok otherwise shiny hunt glitch speedrun bug cheat ban online crash emulator no nintendo I'm kidding don't worry I was really playing on my real switch too good there which dates from 2017 and which has hardware from 2014 don't worry it's ok otherwise the game is not great play the basic version on DS honestly even if it's not in 3D the game is much more beautiful and much less buggy don't hesitate to comment castorno music: remakes 4G speedrun by greengatea / 1221768242 soft lock by SitantKingdom • Can you ESCAPE the Softlock!? Pokemon... and also subscribe and activate the bell it's free please SUBSCRIBE Laupok's bazaar: / laupoklaupocute ???? Twitch: / laupok Twitter: / laupokhf Instagram: Laupocute and Laupok_Yt Cap to support the channel: https://teespring.com/fr/lpKCASQ Laupok t-shirts and goodies to support the channel: https://bazardelaupok.tunetoo.com/