WHAT I EXPLAIN IN THIS VIDEO CAN COMPLEMENT BUT NOT REPLACE THE THEORY LESSONS YOU CAN TAKE IN A DRIVING SCHOOL. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A LICENSE, WATCH THE VIDEO TO STAY UPDATED ON THE RULES OF THE HIGHWAY CODE. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/guidare_ogg... THE POINTS-BASED LICENSE The points-based license is a system that gives everyone, when the license is issued, a score of 20. This score can decrease or increase, depending on the number and type of violations we commit. If we have a score equal to or greater than 20 points, every two years 2 will be added if we do not commit violations that involve the deduction of points from the license. Know that not all violations of the highway code are in fact punished with the subtraction of points. For example, if we violate the speed limit by no more than 10 km/h, the Highway Code only provides for an administrative penalty, and not the deduction of points. The maximum point limit that can be reached is 30. If we have a score lower than 20 points, and for the same two years we do not commit any violation that provides for the deduction of points, then we will return to having 20 points in our pocket. If instead we commit violations that provide for the deduction of points, then these will be taken away from what will be our score at the time. The number of points that will be taken away from us obviously varies depending on the severity of the violation that we commit, and can for example go from one point for having used the lights improperly, for example having forgotten to turn on the dipped headlights even during the day on the motorway, up to 10 points, such as for driving under the influence of alcohol, or for having exceeded the speed limit by more than 60 km/h; these last two violations are also punished with immediate withdrawal and suspension of the license. And what if we commit multiple violations at the same time that provide for the deduction of points? Then here we must make a distinction. We can be deducted a maximum of 15 points for a certain number of violations committed at the same time. For example, we are caught red-handed going through a red light, which provides for a deduction of 6 points, with a cell phone in hand, which provides for the deduction of 5 points, without a seatbelt, and that's another 5 points. The total would be 16 points, but in reality 15 will be subtracted from us. But... if for any of the violations committed together with others there was also a suspension of the license, then all the points actually provided for by the various violations committed will be deducted. If we add drunk driving to the violations we have just seen, which involves the deduction of 10 points and also the suspension of the license, then things would be like this: running a red light 6 points, using a cell phone 5 points, failure to use a seat belt 5 points, drunk driving 10 points: total 26 points, and 26 will be the points that will actually be deducted from our license. So, if we have very few points on our license, to avoid the risk of having to take the revision exam, with the possibility that our license will be revoked, there are two possibilities: either for two very long years we do not commit any violation that involves the subtraction of further points from the license, thus returning to having 20, or we resort to the second alternative, namely the POINTS RECOVERY COURSE. Which, for those who have licenses A, B and BE, consists of a 12-hour course with mandatory attendance, at the end of which 6 points will be added. For those who have licenses C and CE, D and DE, the course will be 18 hours and the points recovered will be 9. Please note that, with the points recovered with the courses, you will not be able to exceed the score of 20. So, for example, if the holder of a B license with 16 points still had to attend a recovery course, only the 4 points would be added to get to 20, and not all 6 that would allow him to recover the course. A separate discussion must be made for new drivers, or for those who have had a license for less than 3 years. In this case, the points deduction provided for the various violations will be doubled. So, going through a red light? Not 6 points, but 12. Driving without a seatbelt? Not 5 points, but 10. Driving under the influence of alcohol? Not 10 points, but 20, or, perhaps, all the points on the license. Fortunately, in case of good behavior, new drivers are added, for the first 3 years, a bonus point at the end of each year in the event that no violations with deduction of points are committed. #licensepoints #licenseexam #drivingtoday