Enjoy a super informal and engaging conversation with Eva Rapdiva and Gilmário Vemba, one of her best friends and the biggest digital influencer in Angola. In this second episode of Podtudoo, we delve into serious topics in an extremely lively atmosphere, where love, friendship and the deep companionship between both shine at every moment. COMMENT - SHARE - LEAVE A LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL Don't forget to follow our social networks INSTAGRAM EVA RAPDIVA: https://www.instagram.com/evarapdiva?... INSTAGRAM PODTUDOO: https://www.instagram.com/pod_tudoo?i... FACEBOOK EVA RAPDIVA: / evarapdiva #PODTUDOO #gilmariovemba #EVARAPDIVA #vemba #gilmario #angola #standupcomedy #standup