Normally when reporting the news, we know chip companies like TSMC or Samsung that produce chips for world-class companies like Apple, Qualcomm, MediaTek, AMD, NVIDIA, Samsung or even Intel itself. And when there is news about the production process of new technology chips that are smaller in size, we will hear the name of a company like ASML almost every time. Every chip factory has to buy chip production equipment from this company, which makes many people wonder why there is only one chip production company? Is there a monopoly? Why can't others do it? Why aren't there any competitors? And who is ASML? Where did it come from? Today, Phi Lam will tell the history of ASML. #ASML #TSMC #Semiconductor #Chip #EUV #Apple #Qualcomm #MediaTek #AMD #NVIDIA #Samsung #Intel #PodShark #TechOffside