This summer, Crime Story tells the extraordinary case of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès in six parts. In October 2019, seven years after the discovery of the bodies of the Dupont de Ligonnès family, an alert from Le Parisien indicates that the father of the family was arrested in Scotland. This extraordinary case is told in Crime Story by journalist Clawdia Prolongeau and the head of the police-justice department of Le Parisien, Damien Delseny. Editorial management: Pierre Chausse - Editor-in-chief: Jules Lavie - Writing and voice: Clawdia Prolongeau and Damien Delseny - Production: Clara Garnier Amouroux, Barbara Gouy, Raphael Pueyo and Thibault Lambert - Direction and mixing: Julien Montcouquiol - Music: Audio Network Archives: INA. #disappearance #crimestory #truecrimepodcast